So let me recap the last couple weeks then I can fill you in
on my surgeon appointment….
Kali and I finally started at our new location – The Children’s
Hospital. I guess last time I blogged I didn’t really explain what PALS is and
perhaps you were wondering why are Ashley and her dog at the hospital….?
Anyways PALS stands for Pet Access League Society. It’s a volunteer organization
that has roughly 400 animals that visit different locations throughout the city
bringing just a few minutes of happiness to people that may not be mobile or
able to go visit their pets. Kali and I started in December/January at the
Foothill’s Hospital transition unit. After having the same conversations every
2 weeks with the patients (a lot of dementia) I realized that Kali would have
the time of her life with children. So I asked to be put on a waiting list
because everyone wants to be at the Children’s and a month later there was an
opening! After more security checks, orientations and screenings we got to
start last week. It was amazing and she did so well! The kids loved her and
loved playing with her ‘piggy’ tail.
Other than that I spent Father’s day morning at my Dad’s for
brunch and then the in-laws came over for some basketball, croquet and dinner.
The day was busy but it was nice to finally spend some time with family – we have
been so busy and haven’t really been able to have the time we have wanted to.
It’s a crazy summer (again) and can never seem to catch up.
I saw my surgeon on Monday to discuss my upcoming surgery
(August 7th – 6 weeks) and some side effects from radiation. I have
come to learn that chemo sucks at the time but not to many long term side
effects. Radiation is easy but has a lot of side effects that I have learned
don’t always get better. I started going
back to the gym a couple months ago and started lifting weights. I started to
get some lymphedema under my armpit and my ribs, shoulder and breast would get
incredibly sore. I thought lifting more
weights and getting massages would help – boy was I wrong. I would get more
swelling and more uncomfortable so I stopped. I finally asked the surgeon what
this was about and it isn’t lymphedema – its muscle fibrosis and it probably
won’t get better and could possibly just continue to get worse. Basically it is
tons of scar tissue. The surgery will actually help a bit because they are
replacing some of the scar tissue with healthy muscle. Anyways needless to say I
wasn’t happy when I left his office.
Stay tuned for the next blog...all about my weekend spent as
a pin-up model…